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Traditional Cache La Chapelle de Rosquelfen by TheStubbingtonFive (1,5/1,5)
N48° 13.571  W3° 09.716 (WGS84)
UTM  30U   E 487973  N 5341453
Use waypoint: GC1HQH1
Size: Small Small    Hidden on 01-11-2008
In Côtes-d'Armor Bretagne, France
Difficulty:  1,5 out of 5   Terrain:  1,5 out of 5
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La Chappelle de Rosquelfen debut du 16eme Siecle. Elle est un ancienne eglise succursale dediee a Notre Dame de Bon Secours. Avant la revolution, Rosquelfen etait une treve de la paroisse de Laniscat. Apres le concordat de 1801, elle devint chappelle rirale, avant d'etre rattachee a la paroisse de Gouarec, en 1922.

En 1792, Andre Le Pape, Vicaire, refusant de preter serment a la constitution civile du Clerge, se cacha chez un cultivateur de Ste Trephine, chez qui il fut arrete le 3 decembre 1797; condamne aux travaux forces et deporte en Guyane, il y mourut le 17 decembre 1798.
La toiture de la Chepelle fut fefaite en 1958, et le clocher restaure en 1989. Les vitraux modernes datent de 1993.

A l'exterieur, on remarque le clocher, date de 1668, le porche orne de fleurons et de tetes d'animaux, les fenetres a lancettes, les verrieres elancees, ainsi que le Calvaire du XVIeme Siecle, fortement degrade a la Revolution. La Chappelle renferme des sablieres, deux credences, des anciennes et un retable du XVIeme Siecle.

Le Pardon annuel a lieu le ler dimanche de Juillet

The Chapel of Rosquelfen dates from the beginning of the 16th Century.

It was a former subsidiary chapel dedicated to Notre Dame de Bon Secour. Before the French revolution, Rosquelfen was a ward of the parish of Laniscat. Following the 1801 concordat, it became a rural chapel, before being attached to the parish of Gouarec in 1922..

In 1722 the curate, Andre Le Pape, who had refused to swear allegiance to the civil constitution of the clergy, hid himself on a Sainte Trephine farm, where he was arrested on the 3rd December 1797; he was sentenced to hard labour and deported to French Guyana where he died on the 17th December 1798.

The Chapel roof was rebuilt in 1958, and the church tower restored in 1989. The modern stained glass windows date from 1993.

Worth noting on the outside of the building is the tower dating from 1668, the entrance porch decorated with finials and sculpted heads of animals, the lancet shaped window casements, the soaring windows as well as the Calvary dating from the 16th century, which was greatly damaged during the Revolution.

The Chapel contains roof-supporting string pieces, two credence tables, many ancient statues and a 16th century retable.

The annual pardon or religious festival takes place every first Sunday of July.

The Cache is a small container. Green geocache sticker on top. Contains Thanks Mom Stone, Whooly Sheep, pack of six pens, Log book and pencil.

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 24-06-2010

Found it 13-05-2010 by Yannis52
We found this during a short holiday in Bretagne. Nice place. It was the first of the day. We were together with friend that live in this area. It was the first time the heard of Geocaching and it brought them to places they never went. So a big success. Thanks for this cache.



Found it 06-05-2010 by restmengi
BigSmile Just found our 1st Geocache.

Found it 01-05-2010 by therali
. La chapelle de Rosquelfen se situe dans un lieu pittoresque. On a l'impression que l'horloge du temps se serait arrêté.L'architecture ancienne,les murets qui empêchent les bestiaux de pénétrer dans l'enclos(Ils ont été retiré dans tous les enclos ailleurs dans le Finistère). Il faut les enjamber pour accéder dans la cour où le cimetière jouxte la chapelle. Le clocher vieux de presque 400 ans. Dommage l'église était fermée. Merci pour cette découverte.
In: mini Hippopotame
Out: poupée de laine

Found it 23-04-2010 by widgetswanderers
took nothing, left a robin red brest from england. thank you. widgets wanderers

Found it 13-04-2010 by spinz
Trouvée sans difficulté avec les indications. L'endroit est paisible mais nécessite un bel effort pour y accéder à vélo depuis la voie verte de Gouarec!!!

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Hints (Back)
Just left of third column and 2 metres forward.