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Traditional Cache Le Quadrilatere by miksyn (2/3,5)
N47° 36.251  W3° 03.476 (WGS84)
UTM  30T   E 495646  N 5272310
Use waypoint: GCJZK5
Size: Not chosen Not chosen    Hidden on 29-06-2004
In Morbihan Bretagne, France
bug (This cache may contain travel bugs)
Belgium Friet (ref = TB2T3QG)
Blocky (SMR) (ref = TB21FB4)
Heart of Stone (ref = TB2VXFW)
Pirate of the Cacheribean (ref = TB2T3Q7)
Difficulty:  2 out of 5   Terrain:  3,5 out of 5
*No attributes specified*
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Woodland area, almost like jungel.

Please keep the cache clean, this ensures the surviving. It's a vacation cache. The cache is located in tight woodland area, it is maybe difficult to get the best GPS signal. Parking 10 minutes away, nearby the horse stable. Very big and nice Megalith 'Le Geant du Manio' nearby. Area is very worth a visit. Good informations and free maps you can get at the tourist information at Plouharnel.

Happy caching everytime, from everywhere, with any device;)have fun, miksyn

Small note about cache maintenance: Geocacher janpe from Brittany has offered to help. Thanks!

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 24-06-2010

Write note 22-06-2010 by MerlynUK
Dropped off TB.

Found it 22-06-2010 by MerlynUK
Lovely spot. No sign of TBs so left heartstone TB. TFTC. Mark and Alice.

Found it 18-06-2010 by de Kogakes
Aujourd'hui une randonnée à vélo direction Carnac et Alignements. Nous avons visité des endroits magnifiques et interessants. Quels mystères cache cette pierre??? Saurons-nous un jour???
Merci pour nous montrer cet endroit et le bonjour de la Hollande

Found it 15-06-2010 by tezk
Interesting site! Would never have thought to visit otherwise and well worth the short walk!

Took drum toy, left dinosaur eraser.


Found it 14-06-2010 by gibbons_david

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Hints (Back)
see pictures, under the big root of a fallen tree.