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Traditional Cache choisir son moyen d'accès by cybershot (1,5/2)
N47° 34.422  W3° 02.658 (WGS84)
UTM  30T   E 496669  N 5268921
Use waypoint: GC244E4
Size: Small Small    Hidden on 19-02-2010
In Morbihan Bretagne, France
Difficulty:  1,5 out of 5   Terrain:  2 out of 5
*No attributes specified*
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L'accès à la cache dépend de la position de la lune...sans quoi surprise !
To access to the cache, check the Moon influence...unless some surprise !

Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)

Current at 24-06-2010

Found it 18-06-2010 by rascal_77
Le mieux c'est encore d'y aller à pied, au sec !
Un pantalon n'est pas superflu, pas mal d'orties et d'épineux

Boite toute petite :+( No trade TFTC

Found it 14-06-2010 by tezk
J'ai la trouve!

Came yesterday but decided to return first thing this morning with some more "nettle resistant" attire than my shorts..

Beautiful spot! Hope to return later this week for a picnic :)


Found it 08-06-2010 by coduck
Luckily we came to this place just right for a quick run from the uprising water. The sea might have been a bit cold for swimming back to the shore. BigSmile TFTC NoTrade

Found it 22-05-2010 by Gin Sling
Found it with dry feet both ways on a very hot day. TFTC

Found it 21-05-2010 by plezier42
en vacance en Bretagne
trouvee a 15.30 h
plezier42 holland
out: 2 tb

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Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)