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Traditional Cache je ne boirais pas de ton eau by cybershot (2/1,5)
N47° 36.404  W3° 00.116 (WGS84)
UTM  30T   E 499855  N 5272591
Use waypoint: GC28690
Size: Micro Micro    Hidden on 08-05-2010
In Morbihan Bretagne, France
Difficulty:  2 out of 5   Terrain:  1,5 out of 5
*No attributes specified*
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je ne boirais pas de ton eau....cache au sec
i will not drink of your water...dry hidden place

Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)

Current at 24-06-2010

Found it 18-06-2010 by rascal_77
Effectivement la couleur de l'eau n'est pas très engageante !
Et les moustiques ne sont pas très sympathiques non plus.

J'ai failli loguer la ciste sur le poteau qui sert d'appui à la barrière.
J'ai fini par lui mettre la main dessus !

No trade TFTC

Found it 16-06-2010 by de Kogakes
Very special hidden place here along the GR-34, just like other loggers have written, we would never been here without this cache. It attended us also on using the GR-34 for cycling back to Bono. From just before Auray to an old bridge in Bono we cycled on this very nice part of the the GR-34. Thanks for showing us this spot and greetings from Holland.

Found it 15-06-2010 by tezk
Another lovely spot we'd never have found otherwise!

Left 5pence


Found it 12-06-2010 by 2megalodon
sehr schön, merci beaucoup

Found it 06-06-2010 by Magicfriends
On an exchange in Auray,I found this Cache with my host-family and
they found our hobby Geocaching great! :-)
Thank you for this Cache ,
the MagicFriends (one of them) with new "host-geocachers" :-D

out: coin (we dropped it in "Back to the past")

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Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)