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Traditional Cache Castillo de Sohail, Fuengirola (Málaga) by ^ozo^ (1,5/2)
N36° 31.504  W4° 37.708 (WGS84)
UTM  30S   E 354203  N 4043422
Use waypoint: GCQG56
Size: Regular Regular    Hidden on 9-9-2005
In Nil, Spain
bug (This cache may contain travel bugs)
D-MARK (ref = TB152PM)
Irish Lady Bug (ref = TB1QYWT)
Krakow Dragon (ref = TBZ44H)
Schornsteinfeger (ref = TB14YH2)
St George Racer (ref = TBGBWQ)
Difficulty:  1,5 out of 5   Terrain:  2 out of 5

En los alrededores del Castillo de Sohail, bajo piedras, fácil de llegar a el, a 26 metros sobre el nivel del mar. / In the environs of the Castle of Sohail, under stones, easy to arrive at, 26 meters on the level of the sea.

El cache es un bote transparente cerrado, esta oculto bajo unas piedras.

Contenido inicial:
Libreta de firmas y bolígrafo
Peluche tigre
goma borrar
Baraja cartas niños
Figuras de cristal

-Historia del Castillo de Sohail

Las condiciones geográficas del cerro sobre el que se asienta el castillo de Sohail permitieron desde época antigua su continuo poblamiento por fenicios, púnicos, romanos, musulmanes y cristianos, pero la construcción que hoy podemos ver es una alcazaba árabe data de los primeros tiempos de la invasión de la península ibérica, y fue levantada sobre una fortaleza romana anterior. La mayor parte de lo que hoy puede contemplarse es de la época del califa Abderraman III. En el año 1485 fue conquistado por los cristianos en plena ofensiva contra el reino nazarí de Granada, comenzando una importante adaptación de su arquitectura.

Debido a su cercanía con el mar, la localidad de Fuengirola y su castillo sufrieron múltiples ataques del legendario pirata Barbarroja, por lo que el rey Carlos I mandó construir el foso. Fue también víctima del contrabando que experimentó la zona cuando los ingleses ocuparon la zona del Peñón de Gibraltar, por lo que el conde Montemar llevó a cabo una serie de reformas.

En el año 1810 las tropas de Napoleón ocuparon el castillo con una fuerte guarnición, hasta que en 1812 fue ocupado de nuevo por tropas españolas.

Con la desamortización de Mendizabal pasó a manos privadas por medio de una subasta, y en los siglos XIX y XX albergó las dependencias de la Guardia Civil.

-Para acceder al castillo tenéis tres opciones:

1. desde la autovia a la altura del Hotel Beatriz, hay una salida que lleva directamente a los aparcamientos, siempre esta abierta.

2. A la altura del castillo hay una salida de la autovia hacia la entrada principal, una subida por un camino asfaltado, pero por la noche y según horarios esta cerrado con una verja.

3. Por el mismo lugar que el punto 2 pero seguimos con el coche rodeando el castillo hacia la playa, al final del camino terrizo llegamos a la verja del aparcamiento, suele estar siempre abierta, pero no es seguro.

La búsqueda la podéis hacer tanto de día como de noche, por la noche las vistas del castillo son preciosas y muy relajante sentarse en alguno de los muchos bancos que encontrareis.


The cache is a closed transparent box, this hidden one under stones.

Initial content:
logbook and ball-point pen.
Peluche tiger.
Rubber to erase.
Deck young letters.
Crystal figures

-History of the Castle of Sohail.

The geographic conditions of the hill on which the castle of Sohail is based allowed from old time their continuous poblamiento by Punic, Roman, Muslim and Christian Phoenicians, but the construction which today we can see is an Arab fortress data of the first times of the invasion of the Iberian Peninsula, and was raised on previous a Roman strength. Most of which today it can be contemplated is of the time of the caliph Abderraman III. In 1485 an important adaptation of its architecture was conquered by the Christians in the heat of offensive against the nazarí kingdom of Granada, beginning.

Due to their proximity with the sea, the locality of Fuengirola and its castle underwent manifold attacks of the legendary Barbarroja pirate, reason why king Carlos I commanded to construct the pit. She was also victim of the contraband that experienced the zone when the English occupied the zone of the Rock of Gibraltar, reason why count Montemar carried out a series of reforms.

In the year the 1810 troops of Napoleón occupied the castle with a strong trimming, until in 1812 she was occupied again by Spanish troops.

With the confiscation of Mendizabal it happened to hands deprived by means of an auction, and in centuries XIX and XX she lodged the dependencies of the Civil Guard.

-In order to accede to the castle you have three options:

1. from autovia to the height of the Beatriz Hotel, is an exit that takes to the parkings directly, always this open one.

2. To the height of the castle there is an exit of autovia towards the main entrance, an ascent by a way asphalted, but at night and according to schedules this closed with a iron door.

3. By the same place that point 2 but we followed with the car surrounding the castle towards the beach, at the end of the dirt road we arrived at the iron door of the parking, usually it is always open, but it is not sure.

The search you can do it by day as much as at night, at night the views of the castle are precious and very relaxed to seat in some of the many banks that you will find.

Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)

Current at 10-7-2009

Found it 2-7-2009 by Vesku&Sanna
Nice views. Greetings from Benalmadena.

Found it 2-7-2009 by olgone
Last day in Spain. Greetings from Finland.

Found it 28-6-2009 by Gordianus (the finder)
On a weeks holiday with 7 old mates from scouts (40+ years ago!!). The other 7 are completely hooked on golf and cannot unerstand why on earth I would rather only play a couple of times, and "waste good golfing opportunities" by going caching. The whole week was taken up with their laughing at this collectively, but asking more questions about caching privately. Ah well, I enjoyed a good cache fest in the sun anyway.

Parked next to the hotel. Good stroll up to the castle in baking heat. Decided on an ice cream to help me look.. It worked, found the cache after a good root in the plants. Lots of muggles about.. take care replacing cache.

Found it 18-6-2009 by Hanses50
Great view and nice cache location. Kätkön ansiosta tuli ekan kerran pyörittyä Sohailin linnan rinteitä eikä vain linnassa. Kaktusten pistoista huolimatta etsintä kannatti. TFTC.

Found it 18-6-2009 by mummy62
Nice cache if you don´t walk in to "the flowers". Did´t see any travelers. In the castle there wasn´t too much to see.

Found it 17-6-2009 by Asociación Club CORA
Encontrado fácilmente.

IN: 2 pin sprite
OUT: TB Captain Black

Los demás TB no están.


Found it 12-6-2009 by Grannydot
1pm. Lovely place for lunch after finding this cache. Took TB German Bear left Captain Black TB

Found it 4-6-2009 by ruettenscheider
We found that one very easy.


Sandra and Detlef from Essen, Germany

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Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)