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Multi-cache Nuestros Hermanos [Ayamonte] by Alieri (1,5/2)
N37° 11.865  W7° 24.234 (WGS84)
UTM  29S   E 641651  N 4118003
Use waypoint: GC1KP8K
Size: Small Small    Hidden on 11-1-2009
In Andalucía, Spain
bug (This cache may contain travel bugs)
Dear God's bug (ref = TBKNHG)
Difficulty:  1,5 out of 5   Terrain:  2 out of 5

foto guadiana fisherman  

Portuguese and spanish refer to each other as "Nuestros Hermanos" (our brothers).
This is due to the good relationship both countries have had for centuries.

This cache will take you to a small chappel near the Guadiana river shore. From here you can see Portugal across the river. 

Until a few years ago, the area of the cache was only bush and sand dunes, now slowly replaced by concrete and asfalt.

The Cache:

On the small church carefully count the number of vertical iron bars protecting the window that is facing the river (=XY).

Find the cache at:

37º11.( 826 - XY )

7º24.( YX + 195 )

Additional Waypoints

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 10-7-2009

Didn't find it 10-7-2009 by carolangelpaul
Não consegui encontrar.
Provavelmento errei nos cálculos matemáticos...
Can't find it.
Probably made a mistake when computing the final coordinates...
Will be back!

Didn't find it 9-7-2009 by Torgut
Such a nice church and such an unpleasant hiding area... bushes everywhere, full of needles and annoying branches... no container found.... oh...

"This is due to the good relationship both countries have had for centuries."

A joke huh? :-)

Didn't find it 28-6-2009 by Mrs.Goggins
Arrived at the chapel on a hot afternoon with mi famila. Couldn't find the cache but heard dogs barking in the wilderness ! Obviously looking in the wrong place & I realised what I had done wrong cuando volvi a mi casa en Gales. I had written the wrong calculation down fot the W coordinates putting a minus where there should be a plus ! I had actually calculated the coordinates using a plus sign but forgot I had entered them in the GPS & kept looking using the minus calculation ! Estoy tonta !! Looked again on the 29th (again with the wrong calculation !), walked towards the dogs again & turned back. The rubbish put me off looking but I am determined to try otra vez cuando volvere a Andalucia.

Write note 24-6-2009 by nololc52
Dejé un TB y me traje otro que todavía no está registrado

Found it 24-6-2009 by nololc52
Me equivoqué primero con XY, pero viendo donde me llevaba el cálculo que había hecho, rectifiqué y lo encontré sin problema.

Didn't find it 6-6-2009 by cj_fcul
A busca pelo container tornou--se mais dificil do que aquilo que pensavamos inicialmente... o local estava cheio de lixo e de plantas com picos! Isto se aquele era mesmo o GZ, é que a contagem deixou-nos com alguma dúvidas! Na próxima viagem até ao Algarve voltaremos à carga!!

Found it 26-5-2009 by sims71
4ª/6 (07:05H)

Das inúmeras vezes que me desloquei até Ayamonte, hoje foi a 1ª vez que atravessei este braço de água que liga ao Guadiana. Isto devido a esta multi e à GC1GBHE.
Pelos vistos, Ayamonte tem muito mais coisas para descobrir.


Found it 25-5-2009 by brafma
Já aqui tinha vindo. Não foi difícil.

Nearby Caches
GC1GBHE Plaza de España (Ayamonte) (1,72 kms N)
GC1GBF2 El Salvador (Ayamonte) (2,98 kms N)
GC144KJ Parador of Ayamonte (3,09 kms N)
GC1MXFG La Fabrica de Atún (Lost Place) (25,20 kms E)

Hints (Back)
bush base; base del arbol