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Multi-cache The Yellow W by Maja & dyzio (1,5/2)
N36° 30.780  W4° 43.766 (WGS84)
UTM  30S   E 345139  N 4042241
Use waypoint: GCY9XC
Size: Regular Regular    Hidden on 13-9-2006
In Nil, Spain
bug (This cache may contain travel bugs)
Feng Shui Compass Geocoin (ref = TB12N0T)
Difficulty:  1,5 out of 5   Terrain:  2 out of 5

Very interesting view on "Costa del sol"

1. You are standing in front of a gate
Check how many bloques are listed on the intercom {A}

2. Go to
N36 30.(A*17)8; W4 43.7(A+5)9
How many letters “P” are on the sign on the wall on the left side of the street? {B}

3. Go to
N36 30.6(B-A)2; W4 44.0(A*B/2)
Park your car here,
You are standing in front of a gate, check out the number of property, the first digit in this number is {C}

4. The cache is hidden there:
N36 30.4(C-1)8; W4 44.101

Initial content:
-log book with pen
-travel bug Humpfree (TBJHJW)
-some souvenirs...

Hope you would enjoy visiting our cache...

Maja & Dyzio

Additional Waypoints

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 30-6-2009

Found it 31-5-2009 by xavsi
we found it, only the top of the box, unfortunatly. The views are great, but the cache needs urgently to be replace. Thanks

[This entry was edited by xavsi on Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 10:08:18 AM.]

Found it 29-5-2009 by zwapa
We liked to solve the puzzle, we did well, but at the end we were disappointed that the cache was gone, we only found the cover of the box (see photo) and hide it again.

Found it 19-5-2009 by pcr
Fourth and final of our day of caching and spain has lived up to expectation. Intresting sites hot sun and good views what more could you want. Approve Thanks to the good people who have placed these so well. We kept the puzzle cache till the end as can be the most fun. finding the start point was the most difficult but diving and reading gps in a hire car is getting easier. Think it must have been the hot sun had addled our brains as we missed a step but 20 mins searching and we realised our mistake. Fab views from the final site just took a few minutes to find as beware the thorny bushes to the cache... DieFilis seemed to pay the price and left a bit of himself in the log book.


PCR + Alison

Found it 12-5-2009 by DieFilis
Nice views.. a nice walk, we had realized to late that we could take our car with us.. the cache site is a little bit dangerous, injured myself a little (see logbook )
Thanks Die Filis

Found it 22-4-2009 by JAZZJAZZ
Good clues and an enjoyable trail around. TNLN.

A persistent woman muggle was intent on doing her yoga while we were trying to search.



Nearby Caches
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Hints (Back)
Hidden under the stones under the plants