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Traditional Cache La Cantera del Torcal, Antequera (Málaga) by ^ozo^ (1,5/1,5)
N36° 57.820  W4° 31.351 (WGS84)
UTM  30S   E 364464  N 4091925
Use waypoint: GCRV3C
Size: Small Small    Hidden on 1-1-2006
In Nil, Spain
Difficulty:  1,5 out of 5   Terrain:  1,5 out of 5

En el Torcal de Antequera, fácil de acceder, a 1076m de altitud / In the Torcal de Antequera, easy to accede, to 1076m of altitude

La Cantera del Torcal

El Torcal también tiene sus lados menos bonitos, según se mire....

La explotación industrial del siglo XIX origina un intenso carboneo del encinar; la extracción de piedra se hace intensa y el pastoreo se masifica, impidiendo la regeneración natural de la vegetación.

A todo ello se debe el aspecto desolado hoy apreciable en muchas partes de la Sierra. Ya en este siglo coincidiendo con el fin de las explotaciones de las canteras, El Torcal quedó como zona de pastoreo extensivo, cultivándose las dolinas en épocas de escasez.

La reciente adquisición por la Junta de Andalucía de la práctica totalidad del Paraje ha permitido iniciar la restauración de este singular enclave de nuestra geografía, lugar en el que la Naturaleza muestra una de sus caras más insólitas.

El tesoro esta oculto bajo una gran piedra, cuidado con el lugar, muy próximo al filo de la cantera.

Contenido inicial: Mosquetones, muñecos, insectos incrustados, dinosaurios, peluche musical, regalos especiales hechos por ^ozo^


La Cantera del Torcal

The Torcal also has its less pretty sides, as you can see....

The industrial operation of the 19th century caused an extensive burning of oakwood into charcoal; the stone mining became intense and cattle herding massive, preventing the natural regeneration of the vegetation.

Everything  gives a destroyed sight today in many parts of the Mountain range. Already in this century, coinciding with the termination of the quarries, the Torcal stayed as zone of extensive cattle herding, cultivating the
dolinas at times of shortage.

The recent acquisition by la Junta de Andalucía of almost the whole has allowed to initiate the restoration of this peculiar enclave in our geography,  the place in which nature shows one of its more unusual faces.

The treasure (cache) is hidden one under a great stone, with care for the place, very next to the edge of the quarry.

Initial content: snaplinks,  laid in insects, dinosaurs, dolls, musical cuddle toy, special gifts done by ^ozo^

(thanks to mijn koen by the English translation)


Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)

Current at 10-7-2009

Found it 14-5-2009 by DieFilis
Interesting Lost Place... and very interesting smell from the flowers.. like coconut.. and very windy

Thanks from Germany
Die FIlis

Found it 4-5-2009 by Chafran
What a wonderful area! And such a great view! Found the cache at 11.30.

In: (Dutch) Miffy
Out: -

Chafran (NL)

Found it 23-4-2009 by Die 5 Steinweisen
*** MGT ***
Mission Garganta Tour
On Adventure-Week with DocW, Pullermann, Ralf_SG

First day in El Torcal - very nice area.

Vielen Dank und Glückauf
Die 5 Steinweisen

Found it 23-4-2009 by Pullermann

Ralf_SG, 1/5 Steinweise, DocW and Pullermann on trip in andalucia like the fantastic four BigSmile

For one of use, it was a big shit BigSmile For the rest, it was a interessting place Smile


Found it 11-9-2008 by Rainbow Cacher
We, Stefan vom Ruhrteam and Team Jobear_D, on our Hollytour in Spain, serched, found and logged it.

Thank You for The Cache.

Nearby Caches
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GC1NH57 Camorro Alto (5,79 kms W)
GC1JJF6 Plaza de Santiago (Antequera) (6,88 kms NW)
GC1JFGB Dolmen de Menga (7,01 kms N)

Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)