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Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)
9-2-2009 by charino
increible subida en compañia de mi amigo juae en su primer cache.
La subida un poco dura despues de estar toda la noche currando, pero bueno sarna con gusto...
3-4-2008 by Kili or bust
Wow! This is a magnificent walk. I see that it has not been found since 2006 but it is safe and well and in a location from Heaven. The views in every direction from a stunning viewpoint are marvellous. The weather helped Joan and I a lot so we could see everything including snow on the Sierra Nevadas. We could clearly see "where the fingertips of Europe and Africa nearly touch!" Gibralter was very clear and the entire coast East and West as well as way out into the Atlantic.
It took us 2 hours 40 mins to get to the cache from Juanar and exactly 2 hours to get back. The weather was so good that we stopped quite a few times for photos and water so it could probably be done quicker (but bring plenty of water!!).
If this cache was in Ireland it would probably be a 5 star for both difficulty and terrain. There is some scrambling on rocks at more than slightly dangerous places and the length as well as the cache position itself require some dexterity and fitness.
Pretty tired at the finish and a lovely cool, if expensive, Coke went down well in the Juanar bar.
Thank you for placing this cache in such a wonderful location, we really enjoyed it.
5-8-2007 by Team WiseMice
After parking at the Refuge of Juanar I followed my GPS and it led me into the mountains. After 3 houres of hard climbing and descending I found out that I was on the wrong side of the mountain.
Back at the Refuge I discovered a map in front of the Hotel, displaying the correct route to La Concha.
I didn't have any time left for a second try :-( so this one will stay on my todo-list.
24-9-2006 by Runner42km
Después de caminar por unos parajes bastante peligrosos llegamos a la cima de La Concha y tras escalar un poco encontramos el cache que se encontraba bien escondido. TNLN. TFTC.
Marina del equipo RUNNER42KM ™
24-9-2006 by senderitos.com
Pertenecientes a la operación Malaya, nuevos miembros de la vertiente extrema de senderitos. com, 4 meses después de que Luís encontrase el tesoro, deciden encaramarse a la Concha y reventarlo de nuevo.
Una hora y media después de >fetiche hicimos cumbre y encontramos el cache. ¡Como veis nos tomamos el almuerzo con muuucha tranquilidad!
La subida con un perfil escarpado alucinante y las vistas de impresión...El escondite "al borde del abismo"
Nos llevamos una moneda y el corazón de cristal; dejamos un anillo y unos pendientes.
Esta vez fuimos: Rosa, Salva, Marisa, Loreto, ^ozo^y Manmen de senderitos.con-extremos.
Gracias por el día ^ozo^
Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)