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Traditional Cache Castillo de Castellar by >fetiche< (1,5/1,5)
N36° 18.810  W5° 27.230 (WGS84)
UTM  30S   E 279700  N 4021516
Use waypoint: GCQ385
Size: Regular Regular    Hidden on 10-8-2005
In Andalucía, Spain
bug (This cache may contain travel bugs)
Difficulty:  1,5 out of 5   Terrain:  1,5 out of 5

Calzada de subida al Castillo de Castellar.

Tupper de 1,5 litros, encima de una roca tapada por piedras, al lado de la calzada que sube al Castillo de Castellar, recomiendo que dejéis el coche arriba y toméis el camino hacia abajo. No dejéis de visitar el Castillo Fortaleza, y al, marcharos id al mirador situado en N 36º 18.350 W 005º 27.572, entrando por una carretera de la confederación, pone una señal de prohibido el paso excepto vehículos autorizados, pero suelen dejar pasar, y tendréis unas magníficas vistas del Pantano, el Castillo y La Finca de la Almoraima dentro del Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.

No dejéis cerillas ni mecheros, gracias.

Espero que os guste y disfrutéis.

No Match or lighters, Thanks.

Enjoy with the path.

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 10-7-2009

Found it 18-6-2009 by Schmoelli
After visit the castillo with the lovely small village inside we seek and found the cache. There where 3 geocoins in the box and one of them will travel with us :-)
Greetings from Germany
Stella & Schmoelli

[This entry was edited by Schmoelli on Friday, June 19, 2009 at 2:39:37 AM.]

Found it 16-6-2009 by flotron84
What a great castle, we had a nice walk round and had a chat to the hippies from all nationalities :)

We left two geocoins, the FTF geocoin and one other unfortunately we have lost the details for it though :(


Found it 25-5-2009 by lorgaire
Chose two, easy to find, Spanish holiday caches this year - this was the first and such a great reason to go exploring! Enjoyed the photo opportuniies both here and at the Castle. Many thanks for placing it in this beautiful location. Took Cachemania coin back to Norn Iron.

Found it 24-5-2009 by legomission
nice walk down to cashe

Found it 25-4-2009 by P.Plostnieks
Found it easy and fast together with Kurts61, inpet and jurissuits at 08:55. Good walk and nice old castle! Greetings from Latvia and our geoteam! TFTC! TNLN

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