Epoch timestamp: 1242494142 Human time: Sat, 16 May 2009 17:15:42 GMT [ES] Una majestuosa ballena que había consagrado su vida a buscar la tierra donde las estaciones fuesen templadas, un paraíso donde la humanidad viviera al calor del sol y en paz, junto a doradas playas, ríos de aguas cristalinas y fértiles llanuras de suave ondulación. Al saber que por fin había encontrado su santuario, la vieja ballena, ya cansada, se dispuso a morir sobre la inmaculada arena de tan anhelada playa, contemplando la más hermosa puesta del Sol. Desde entonces, según narra la leyenda, dicho paraje se conoce por Costa Ballena. El Lago ![]() Costa Ballena, es un resort turístico situado entre las poblaciones de Rota y Chipiona, en la provincia de Cadiz, está formado por multiples urbanizaciones de estilos muy variopintos, y todas ellas situadas entorno a un campo de golf. Pero éste a mi entender no es su principal atractivo, sino el respeto con el que se ha edificado cerca de la linea de playa, que se mantiene casi natural, y su lago artificial. Contenido inicial:
![]() [EN] A majestic whale, which had dedicated its life to search the land where the seasons were mild, a paradise where humanity live under the sun hot and in peace, close to golden beachs, rivers of clear waters and fertile plains of smoothly waves. Once Whale finally knowns it has found its sanctuary, the old whale already tired, it got ready to die over the immaculate sands of so longer for beach, contemplting the most beautiful sunset. Since then, just as the legend narrates, the above-mentioned place it's known as Whale's Coast. Costa Ballena (Whale's Coast) it's a turistic resort, placed between Rota a Chipiona towns in the Province of Cadiz. The resort is compossed by many urbanizations, all of then placed around a course. But in my opinion this isn't the main atractive, but the respectulf way the urbanization has been builded close to the coast line, keeping the beach almost wild. And I like too the lake of the resort. Initial setting:
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30-6-2009 by Die Wixxxer
What a beautiful emty park we thought after we arrived - easy to search 4 the cache but no 3 muggles appeared just after we reached the spot and stayed there like forever. How long can it take to smoke a joint??? Well that gave us enough time to enjoy this place and to watch the ducks on the lake TFTC!!!
Die Wixxxer
29-6-2009 by Die A-Hasen
Second cache in spain! What a wonderful and peaceful place! We liked it so much, that we dediced to leave the geocoin, which we brought from germany, here.
Muchos saludos de Alemania
Die A-Hasen
18-6-2009 by liderskull
Y la ballena??
el primero de la mañana encontrado en compañia de Geobañolados
14-6-2009 by talika
Dejo la Gerbera Daisy Pink Geocoing, que llevaba ya mucho tiempo conmigo, y así animo un poco el caché.
I drop the Gerbera Daisy Pink Geocoing, that I retrieved one month ago (I Know too much time) in order to make the cache more attractive, though just be for a while.
13-6-2009 by lnita
Por fin he conocido a la ballena alegre!!! :)
12-6-2009 by sammendes
Aproveitando um fim de semana alargado em terras de Portugal resolvi fazer uma incursão em terras Espanholas e instalei-me no camping da Costa Ballena.
A cache estava perto e não me podia escapar.
Foi chegar e logar. O local é muito bonito.
12-6-2009 by Guinness05
out: Pin
in: Gedenkmünze
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