The Bandit Welcome to the White Villages of the Genal Valley and Júzcar! We came here for a pastel painting workshop and enjoyed the hospitality of the town. Stop in the bar and to see “The Bandit” and hear Pavarotti, the canary. Tell them when you’ve found the cache and get a recommendation for a couple of local hikes through the olive and chestnut groves. The remains of the first factory in Spain is not far down one of the trails. This is a regular cache with room for travel bugs. El Bandolero Bienvenido a los pueblos blancos del Valle del Genal y Júzcar. Hemos venido aquí para una taller de pintando en pastel y disfrutada el hospitalidad de Juzcar. Pasa por el bar de ver “El Bandolero” y escuchar Pavarotti, el canario. Diles cuando ha encuentrazo el cache y coge un recomendación para un par de caminos de senderismo por los olivos y los castaños. Eso es un cache normal can espacio para bichos de viajes (“travel bugs”). |
2-7-2009 by Gordianus (the finder)
On a weeks holiday with 7 old mates from scouts (40+ years ago!!). The other 7 are completely hooked on golf and cannot unerstand why on earth I would rather only play a couple of times, and "waste good golfing opportunities" by going caching. The whole week was taken up with their laughing at this collectively, but asking more questions about caching privately. Ah well, I enjoyed a good cache fest in the sun anyway.
The last of the day for me. Juzcar is a lovely white village. Parked up and walked down to GZ. I'd read that the cache had been moved and checked a likely looking spot. And there it was. So I can confirm that all is well, its under a small pile of stones about 20 metres to the left (as you look at it) from GZ.
And into the bar to resist the bandit, but not the tapas and a well earned drink.
18-5-2009 by DieFilis
Please read our log! The cache has no logbook only two sheets of paper...
18-5-2009 by DieFilis
Found the cache, very easily because all the content was lying around in front of the "building". We tried to assemble all parts together. A man was around watering the plants, he also was in the obvious cache hiding site... we hid it 20 m to the left of the original coordinates under a pile of stones...
Thanks for this nice place
Die Filis from germany
7-5-2009 by Merlin48
Found cache in location specified by coordinates. Left 'Inspector SnoopE' travel bug. TFTC
5-5-2009 by Interloper
Found the cache at the given coords - not behibnd the map.
24-4-2009 by J_Rover
@ 8:45 PM
Wow !! Found "only" in my second attempt -and "only" in its third re-location-.
Good hiding place but too much exposed to "mugles" IMHO.
Nervertheless, welcome to the enthusiasm for the Valley of River Genal.
Persistent Mc Rover
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No prickers, no pinchos