Cette église fut bâtie au XIIIème siècle. Son clocher fut découronné en 1675. Seul le cimetière exista jusqu’en 1848. Actuellement il ne reste plus que des ruines qu’il est possible de visiter, mais l’intérieur n’est accessible qu’entre 9h le matin et 18h le soir. English : This church was built in the XIIIth century. Its bell tower was deposed in 1675. Only the cemetery existed until 1848. At present there are not more than ruins which it is possible to visit, but the inside is accessible only between 9am and 18pm. Additional Waypoints PK2A0T3 - Parking N 47° 52.074 W 004° 13.133 Accessible aux camping-cars Additional Waypoints (1)
Current at 24-06-2010
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