cache 119 Havezathe EversbergN52 22.124 E6 28.615Here's what left of the Havezathe Eversberg. It's located in my home town Nijverdal in the Netherlands. In 1944 destroyed by fire. What's left of it is now a home for the bats...BushMan
N52 22.124 E6 28.615
Here's what left of the Havezathe Eversberg. It's located in my home town Nijverdal in the Netherlands. In 1944 destroyed by fire. What's left of it is now a home for the bats...
GCId: GC8C6E Owner: DRAGN Tamers Typ: D/T: 1/1 Gegend Gelegt: 09-09-2002 Status: archived
Gefunden: 01-07-2005