Current at 25-12-2007 (Online waypoint URL)

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Traditional Cache The Vicar's Forest by ulrikls and estrid (2/2)
N56° 37.349  E8° 11.199 (WGS84)
UTM  32V   E 450092  N 6275660
Use waypoint: GCV9VY
Size: Regular Regular    Hidden on 8-4-2006
In Nil, Denmark
Difficulty:  2 out of 5   Terrain:  2 out of 5
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Cachen er placeret i en lille skov, som er oplagt til en lille gåtur alene eller med familien.
The cache is located in a small wood, which is a nice place to go for a walk, alone or with your family.

Du kan parkere ved den nærliggende kirke, der er meget nem at finde. Vi vil anbefale en tur på kirkegården, hvor man bl.a. kan se en del gravsteder fra Anden Verdenskrig, og en del lokalhistoriske grave.

Cachen er et stort syltetøjsglas. Skoven ejes af den lokale præst, men er åben for offentligheden.

You can park at the nearby church, which is very easy to find. We would also recommend a walk around the cemetery, there are quite a few historical graves from the World War II, and a lot of graves related to the local history.

The cache is a mid-size jam jar. The wood is owned by the local vicar but is open to the public.

Additional Waypoints

PKV9VY - Parking lot
N 56° 37.244 E 008° 11.069
Parkeringspladsen ved den nærliggende kirke. Parking lot at the nearby church.

Additional Hints Hints

Current at 25-12-2007

Found it 21-10-2007 by InaOgMogens
Kl. 13.10.
BlushBlush Vi må indrømme, at vi nærmede os P-pladsen og så på Garmin, at vi var MEGET tæt på cachen. Mogens stoppede, trak håndbremsen, og så gik vi cross-country Blush.
Vi så hverken kirke eller gravsteder fra Anden Verdenskrig Blush. Men cachen fandt vi BigSmile.

Desværre var cachen indvendig klistret ind i noget, som mindede om opløst slik. Vi tørrede det meste væk, - kasserede posen, som indeholdt logbogen, da den var helt fedtet ind.

Tak til ulrikls and estrid for oplevelsen BigSmile!

Ud: -
Ind: signatur-blomsterfrø.


Didn't find it 14-10-2007 by ulkli
Desværre ikke fundet. Min GPS duer vist ikke i den skov; men godt sted.

Found it 4-10-2007 by saksenborg
Easy found and logged, in this great, and today very wet, wilderness.T4TC. Happy caching Wink

Didn't find it 26-9-2007 by Batman & Robin
S + R

Found it 16-9-2007 by olli-und-marion
Found it together with ELK169 and his wife on our short trip to denmark,

Found it 19-7-2007 by BushMan_NL
Vicars forest 19 juli 2007

Mooi prive bosje van de pastoor, snel gevonden, lncl. TB poesje!

After a nice walk through the private forest of the vicar, we found the cache after two walks around the bushes!

Thanks for a nice cache!

BushMan & Dog

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Hints (Back)
[DA] I buskene ved foden af et træ
[EN] In the bushes at the foot of a tree